
Commissaries Debut Nutrition Guide Program

Is getting healthier on your to-do list for 2017? Then the commissary’s new Nutrition Guide Progr...

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Is Smoking Ruining Your Relationship?

I’ve been dating this Marine for a few years now. We do all sorts of fun stuff like miniature go...

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How Tobacco Use Affects Your Capabilities as a Marine

You’ve probably heard that tobacco is harmful to your health, but have you heard that tobacco can...

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Get Paid To Quit Tobacco

Did you know that a pack a day smoker spends nearly $50 a week on cigarettes? That’s over $2200 a...

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Why Quit Tobacco During the Great American Smoke Out?

The first step in quitting tobacco is thinking about it. If you think about quitting tobacco some...

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9 Facts about Teen Smoking

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and 90% of tobacco use...

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How to Get a Perfect Body Without Banned Substances

Do you want to achieve the perfect body? You don’t need to use bodybuilding supplements, or purch...

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Quitting Tobacco Can Land You a Job

If you’re looking to land a job after the Marine Corps, then you better start thinking about quit...

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Everything You Need to Know About Operation Tobacco-Free Marine

The Marine Corps always leads the way in innovative thinking and performance. With this in mind, ...

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Tobacco and Stress: Not a Winning Combination

Most people understand that tobacco harms a person’s health, but many users also believe it helps...

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Your Tobacco Use Could Be Making Your Dog Sick and Fat

Most people generally know that tobacco use, like smoking or dipping, is harmful to their health....

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How to Successfully Quit Smoking in the Corps

If you’re a smoker, quitting can be one of the most important things you ever do to preserve your...

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