
What's In Your Cabinets?

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6 Tips for Staying Safe on the Water

For many people, summer is a wonderful time for fun in the sun. Water destinations like beaches,...

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5 Common Myths of Alcohol Misuse

Have you ever questioned the drinking habits of someone close to you, and that person refused to ...

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How to Get a Perfect Body Without Banned Substances

Do you want to achieve the perfect body? You don’t need to use bodybuilding supplements, or purch...

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What is Your Legacy?

After you leave your unit or duty station, what legacy do you want to leave? How do you want to ...

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Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse

What is Prescription Drug Abuse? The Department of Defense (DOD) defines prescription drug abuse...

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Medical Marijuana

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines medical marijuana as using the whole, unprocessed ma...

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What You Need to Know About Mixing Medication and Alcohol

The summer cookout season is upon us. Burgers are on the grill, drinks are in hand, and with thos...

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Early Childhood Risk and Protective Factors for Later Drug Use

Research in a recent article by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, (NIDA) revealed while subst...

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Food for Thought: What to Know About Cooking with Alcohol

What is the secret ingredient that makes your favorite dish so flavorful? For some it is a specia...

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What Is Protect What You've Earned?

PWYE is a simple decision-making framework for individual Marines and Sailors to consider what is...

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5 Tips for Beating the Winter Blues

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