Make The Time

Make The Time

Liaison officer, U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jurgen Campbell, and Chief Advisor, Navy Capt. Tara N. Smith, both at Prevention and Response Behavioral Programs speak about the importance of building a relationship with your fellow service member to help increase mental health.

Video by John Martinez |  Communication Directorate

Liaison officer, U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jurgen Campbell, and Chief Advisor, Navy Capt. Tara N. Smith, both at Prevention and Response Behavioral Programs speak about the importance of building a relationship with your fellow service member to help increase mental healthLiaison officer, U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jurgen Campbell, and Chief Advisor, Navy Capt. Tara N. Smith, both at Prevention and Response Behavioral Programs speak about the importance of building a relationship with your fellow service member to help increase mental health
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