Just the Facts - Continuation Pay

Just the Facts Continuation Pay USAA-EF Marines Infographic

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Financial Tips for a Smooth PCS

It’s that time again. New orders and a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). But, do you know how to...

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ROTH IRAs for Kids?

Roth IRAs are not typically considered a savings vehicle for kids, but they can be. They are idea...

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Beware of COVID-19 Financial Scams

Recently, police, FBI, Interpol, customs, and health regulatory authorities from 90 countries joi...

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PFM Present & Future Outlook during Covid-19

As the public health crisis posed by COVID-19 continues, all branches of the military services ac...

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PCS for Success: Nine Reasons to Attend a PCS Workshop

Moving can be stressful, but there is help available. Marines are required to attend the Permane...

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Understanding Portfolio Declines During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 outbreak has erased 23 million jobs created since the 2007-2009 recession, and the 3...

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Financial Readiness is Mission Critical

Congress, the Department of Defense (DoD), and the Marine Corps consider the financial readiness ...

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Investing in Uncertain Times

The S&P 500 had a rough start to the year 2020. It climbed a little, dropped a little, climbed a ...

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Understanding Declining TSP Values

Financial health and drastic economic effects have presented concerns throughout the COVID-19 pan...

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CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)

This summary of the CARES Act does not imply expertise or original information on the part of MCC...

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The Easy Way to Save

TSP offers “Target Date Funds” in the form of the TSP Lifecycle (L) Funds. A target date fund con...

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