Paying For Post Secondary Options
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Paying for Post Secondary Options
College bound students should meet with their school counselor in order to plan for their schooling beyond high school.
U.S. Department of Education free application for federal Student aid web site. The web site includes general student aid information; how to get organized before filling out the application; worksheets to help you fill out the application; and application deadlines.
The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community.
The American Legion's scholarship booklet "Need A Lift", is an excellent resource for college bound students.
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation honors Marines by educating their children.
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society offers scholarships and loans.
The Veterans Administration page provides information on all GI Bill options.
Scholarship opportunities offered by the American Legion (click on education)
Find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants exclusively for the military community.
United States Marine Corps' Scholarship and Financial Aid Explorer (SFeX)
U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid web site. This web site is for students, parents and counselors who are interested in finding student aid for perspective college bound students. The web site includes applications and forms; information on how to manage student loans; and federal student aid publications, brochures and fact sheets.
Understand all of your options when it comes to paying for college. We can help you get the latest information about college costs, scholarships, financial aid applications, education loans, and college financing. Links to information on PSAT, SAT, and Advanced Placement Exams can be found as well.
The most comprehensive FREE full-text online resource on all U.S. government grants and student financial aid programs. Here you will find detailed and up-to-date information about (1) who can apply, (2) how to apply, (3) full contact info, and much more... for over 130 government grants and loans (scholarships, fellowships, traineeships) related to education!
The nation's leading provider of student loans, helping millions of Americans achieve the dream of a higher education. The website addresses what to do before college; how to get educational loans; and what to do upon graduation.
College Board Examinations
Useful information for students, parents, and educators regarding the PSAT, SAT, and Advanced Placement Examinations.
College search, financial aid, scholarship search and online application process.
Virtual tours, web cams, interactive maps, links to college homepages.
Contact Information and Resources
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