EFMP Virtual Learning Series: Respite Care Overview & SSI/SSDI Medical Waivers

EFMP Virtual Learning Series: Respite Care Overview & SSI/SSDI Medical Waivers


Tuesday, October 22, 2024


12:00 pm - 01:00 pm


Email: QuanticoEfmpOffice@usmc.mil

Phone: 703.784.9395

EFMP Virutal Learning Series:
Respite Care Overview and
SSI/SSDI Medical Waivers

Rise and Shine with us to discuss Respite Overview and SSI/SSDI Medical Waivers.

Quantico EFMP Respite Overview provides information regarding the Respite Reimbursement Program which supports family members providing care to Level of Need (LoN) 3 and 4 enrolled family members. Also providing a general and brief review of the enrollment process information on Supplemental Security Insurance and Medicaid for EFMP families.


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