FAP Co-Parenting Seminar

FAP Co-Parenting Seminar


Friday, April 11, 2025


09:00 am - 12:00 pm


Family Advocacy Program
2034 Barnett Ave
Lower Level
Quantico, VA 22134


Email: MCCSQuanticoFAP@usmc.mil

Phone: 703.784.2570


Going through a divorce and have children? 
Ending an intimate relationship, but share a child? 

This 1/2 day class helps parents focus on the responsibilities of parenting from separate households while keeping children out of the middle as the parents negotiate custody, visitation, child support, or divorce. Learn how to establish a healthy co-parenting relationship that will provide lifelong benefits for your child. The class meets parent education guidelines developed by the Supreme Court of Virginia; a certificate is awarded upon completion of each class.

Location: Family Advocacy Program, Little Hall, Lower Level

To register, call Family Advocacy Program at 703.784.2570

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