Thursday, April 3, 2025
MOH-Thursday Golf League

Thursday Golf League
April 3 - August 28
Thursday Morning 8 AM or Evening 5 PM
Registration Fee: $25 per person
Member Weekly Fee: $15
Non-Member Weekly Fee: $25
Weekly Fee includes 9 holes of golf with cart and closest to the pin entry.
Teams will consist of 2 players. Teams will be placed in skill based divisions after the first 2 weeks of play. Teams will accrue points each week based on their placement within their division. The TOP 4 teams in each division will make it into the playoffs at the end of the season!
Teams do not have to attend each week. However if you do not play you will not receive points for the absent week.
If only one player from the team can participate during any given week your team can still post a score by allowing the singular player to play two balls!
Tees: Men 59 & Under (White); Men 60-69 (Gold); Men 70 & Older (Red); Ladies (Red)
Each division will receive gift certificates to the Medal of Honor Pro Shop for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Closest to the pin each week will be awarded a gift certificate to the Medal of Honor Pro Shop.
Party at the end of the Season.